Sannyas…the most significant failure!

OSHO says “There is always a great conflict between the master & disciple and the disciple is fortunate & blessed only if the Master wins.”

i understood a certain dimension of these words from the Master. To me this conflict is deep down between the heart & the head, between the feeling & the thoughts. A heart full of love & trust for the master naturally surrenders and really then the Master can work on the disciple but the mind always wants to create doubt and question the heart as the language of feeling and love does not seem rational..this is the real conflict…the conflict between the heart & the head. This i experienced while taking Sannyas. It is this day i really felt deep down that i am ready to take Sannyas but the mind wanted to postpone it. So i planned that i will take it when i visit India 6 months from the day when i felt like taking Sannyas. Now this is ridiculous that i was planning for Sannyas. Fortunately during the Sannyas celebration when the Master’s presence was stronger that the heart overpowered the mind, it wasn’t a decision rather the dropping of indecisiveness or doubt or mind. The Master won…the trust & love for the Master won…the head failed and Sannyas happened. This was the most significant failure of my life that left me blessed.

This also was the expansion of the word “Trust” for me. It is after taking Sannyas that i realized that if i could not trust Sannyas, how could i say i trust the Master?