The Meaning of Om as i understood it

om-imageAs I was taking a shower after a morning dynamic meditation, it came to my mind the meaning of the mantra “Om”. Om consists of two words – Oo and Mmm. When you chant “Om” you start with Ooo and automatically the Mmmm sound follows it and the sound becomes unified into one sound “Om” instead of two. This you may already know. I could see that these two words represent the dualities of the mind. Just like two words “Ooo” and “Mmm” are half and when combined lead to the total, unified mantra “Om”…that is exactly the nature of the mind. Mind operates like a duality, like a pendulum going from “Ooo” to “Mmm” and back and forth but never together. Mind always thinks in terms of good or bad, happiness or sadness, success or failure, and so on…When this duality disappears, then the wholeness of “Om” or call it enlightenment.